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Hi there! My name is Laura Wagner. I am a nineteen year-old girl from São Paulo, Brazil. I love to draw. And to dance. And to go to the beach. Oh, and to eat mint ice cream. But let’s focus the drawing part. 

I have two Instagram profiles where you can get to know my creations: @aquarelau, with some of my paintings and illustrations; and @explainingtojojo, that presents short videos animated by myself and narrated by specialists from different professional backgrounds, with the objective of explaining to children important concepts about our current times.

A lot of my artworks show weird-looking, big-eyed aliens that are part of my own fantastic world. Now these creatures will take on a different path as NFTs. And even better, they have the purpose of creating a positive social impact. 

I present to you my new project Eyes For Brazil. 

I hope you like my drawings. I think they are out of this world! ;-) 



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